Selected Solo Exhibitions

2014 - Barevné rytmy (Colorful Rhythms), Galerie Co Co, Dobrš, CZECH REPUBLIC
2013 - Khoury Van Gilder, Washington, DC
2011 - Covington & Burling, Washington, DC
2007 - Colorful Rhythms, The Regional Gallery of Art, Havlíčkův Brod, CZECH REPUBLIC
2005 - The Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation, Washington, DC
2004 - Reflection, Embassy of Slovakia, Washington, DC
2002 - Oberfaelzer Kuenstlerhaus, Schwandorf, GERMANY

Selected Group Exhibitions

2015 - 10 ans de créations au Moulin à Nef, La Chapelle Ste Catherine, Auvillar, FRANCE
2014 - Artist’s Proof Contemporary Art, Washington, DC
2013 - US Mission to the United Nations, Villa San Sebastiano, Rome, ITALY
2012 - Louisa Gould Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, Vineyard Haven, MA
2008 - Art Anonymous, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
2005 - Art in Embassies Program, U.S. DepartmentofState, Quito, ECUADOR
1999 - 10 x 10, Addison/Ripley Fine Art, Washington, DC

Selected Grants

2009 - Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
2006 - DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities 
1994 - The Painted Bride, Philadelphia, PA
1991 - Virginia Commission for the Arts

Selected Residency Awards

2012 - Moulin à Nef, Auvillar, FRANCE
2010 -Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Sweet Briar, VA
2002 - Oberpfaelzer Kuenstlerhaus, Schwandorf, GERMANY 
1997 - Casale Centrone, Rome, ITALY
1989 - Fondation Karolyi, Vence, FRANCE